Yo peeps!! >.<
Well you know, everyone has their own secret right? ^^b
So here are my thoughts about this kinda stuffs >.>
You see, for someone who's keeping a secret, there are three cases.
1st, they DON'T want anyone to know what they're hiding =o
2nd, those who really wanna spit it out, but can't or maybe..not really prepare for the consequences.
and then 3rd, there are those who secretly want someone to ask about those..those hidden affairs.
So you might be thinking right now^^
Well these only from my own statement.
think about it ~.~b
Thursday, February 25, 2010
There are [insert random number(s) here] cases?
Posted by -Virut- at 2/25/2010 09:29:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Quote, Sharing Is Caring
Friday, February 19, 2010
It's a secret^^
Me sometimes can be random, sometimes can be annoying, sometimes can be someone else, but most of the times too lazy to talk. I can be talkative person when i'm in the good mood ^^b
People always say that i'm like a kid, always act like a kid, and also think like a kid? When i started to get serious, people just laugh about it and think that i'm still joking =p
oki~ here's the thing >.>
There's this one person i met, he/she always like to talk about his/her friends' secrets, SECRETS im telling ya, and also his/her secrets to me, i like to listen than censuring cuz there are lots of stuffs he/she wanna spit out.
After he/she finished talking someone's back, which is most of them were his/her friends, ex-friends and someone that he/she don't like, and then he/she started cursing someone who's talking behind his/her back with full of emotion, and usually the anger emotion, not to mention ego too.
Well there's no need to mention about their name, it's a secret^^
Posted by -Virut- at 2/19/2010 08:10:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
KaSiH "MMMMM..." ja klu ko
SUP PEEPS! yang suka tul blog sna blog sni, or yang suka tul cubuk sana cubuk sini >.>
baru2 ni, asyik fikir pasal assignment CS ja, advertisement tu dah siap but yang satu lagi...ergghh...sedang mcari idea lg ni >.<
Oki BACK TO THA TOPIC peeps! saya paling pantang lawan cakap orang tua sy wlaupun time tu keadaan orang tua sy trutamanya dadi sy is not himself? mabuk lah gtu, and unfortunately, dia mabuk semalam.
Time kicik2 dulu, sy suka btul dadi sy mabuk ni, hahaha! sy slalu p malumpat and malakat atas badan dia mcm tupai, pastu mau main kuda2..(apa dah kamu fikir kat LINE ni???!!)...maksud sy, kami suma adik beradik p naik atas blakang dia, pastu dia jadi kuda, kami tunggang dia dari blakang..
Ramai jua tunggang kuda? kuda dia manusia ni...
Tapi klu skang, nda suka lagi lar, nda lagi mcm dulu, suma pun membesar uda, mna bleh men kuda2 lagi mcm dulu..eeehh! nda bagus ni ayat bg sesetengah org, bah! karabau pun jadi lar >.>"
Jadi semalam ni, dia p minum lah di rumah sambil tgk rancangan kegemarannya, it's GOLF! dia kata dia dah berhenti, tapi nampaknya begitu lah. Berhenti tu memang berhenti, asal yo cuba lagi sekali, nah! datang ketagihan yo balik.
Senyap ja rancangan golf dia, actors and actresses kat dlm tu semua concentrate btul ngan bola golf kicik yang sdia mau dipukul dgn kayu golf and tunggu masuk lubang ja...asal masuk lubang jah, all actors and actresses applaud. Tapi ni orang tua nda, dia triak mcam tgk rancangan bola sepak instead of golf. mmmmm...bikin takazut jua, i dont really mind at all sampai lah mata dia juling p tempat saya and tanya,
" VERA!!! KO NAMPAK KAH TU TADI!! uuiii! tu bula masuk owh tadi! 8D"
Saya pun jawab dia dgn perkataan pling simple di dunia, "mmmmmm....."
Sedangkan kedua bijik mata saya trtumpu pada screen komputer yang mnyilaukan.
*Lepas beberapa minit kmudian*
Alkohol dah mula memberi influence yang smakin...tinggi lah time nie...dia sedang watching buletin kat tv3, smbil bising. Ntah pasal apa jua tu rancangan tv tayangkan sampai buat dadi sy tiba2 mcm...mmmmmmmmmm.........
Dad: ...lain kali! ambil gunting putung jah toli dorang! KAN VERA!
Me: mmmmmmm.....
Mum: eehh! o.O
(takazut dia jo)
Dad: ...kasih putung tantalau dia!
Me: mmmmm....
*rancagan tv kena tukar*
Dad: wowowowooow!! apa tu org buat! HAHAHAHA!! *cough* *cough*..vera ko nampak ka tu!
Me: mmmmmmmm....
*tu jiran sebelah pun mula dah tengok2 rumah kami >.>*
Dad: >.>
(mata dia mula juling p tempat sy dan mula tanya pasal golf)
astagaaa...pasal golf pla yang dia tiba2 gila lepas tukar rancangan tv...mmmmmm...
Dad: klu tu bola limpas tu lubang ada pluang ka dia mau masuk?
Me: mmmmmm....(wha?)
Dad: NAH!! itulah dia! ada! tu orang budu bah! klu sy kan! hole in one trus! EAGLE!!
*sy masih bleh igt banyak tentang repekan dia owh...o.o)
Me: mmmmmmm...
Mum: aaiiii!~ orang tua ni ah! lali uda dia...
Dad: blabla!@$@#%@#$^@$!@$%&^*&^(^*%#$@@##$$%%%^^&**(
Aiiihhhh...gitu lah critanya, memang crita gini biasa berlaku drumah ni, at least ada jua orang yang tolong brighten up keadaan kan?
He's still keep babbling like there's no tomorrow, sampai la masa sy mau masuk tido pun masih lagi dia bising, ni kali sama tu kucing pla dia merepek.
Tu kucing pun tgk dia jah smbil duduk dgn bergaya di atas sofa kami.
Dad: dadi hebat kan vera? kan? kan?
Me: mmmmmm...
-peace out-
Posted by -Virut- at 2/18/2010 06:41:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Joke, Life Event
Friday, February 12, 2010
This One Kid
There's one story about this one kid, this kid usually like to be alone cuz he/she doesn't trust anyone even his/her parents and friends.
Always living with his/her pokerface but actually this kid is very sensitive.
This kid, is usually so afraid to lost his/her sense of mind.
This kid tend to ignore everything like there's nothing to do with him/her, but this kid feel so tired of watching with no feeling or with fake feeling.
There's one time this kid feels, giving to much pity towards someone is a waste of time and stupid.
People usually tend to ignore him/her every time this kid wanna be someone that he/she thinks useful instead it turns out to be someone good for nothing. Then, this kid retaliate them by ignoring them back.
A person who always don't give a shit about anything. But actually, deep in this kid's heart, he/she does care.
Sometimes, this kid always think about, what would be the best way to end he/she's daydreaming time.
Posted by -Virut- at 2/12/2010 12:13:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
This is MADNESS! =o
There's lot of angry ppl nowadays, no time to control their wrath attitude. When it gets worse, it's WAR time!
Internet play a very good role toward ppl's minds, even in music lyrics, there have been lots of angry lyric in mainstream music, ppl getting angry and they like it. Even thought they don't seem to like it when someone's not them was mad at them or someone else.
This one guy from this country A says this and that about this country B, and then this guy from this country B was offended and threatening this guy's country that they gonna have a war someday and bla bla bla..
Everyone getting furious, and they don't give a fuck about it until they have released em all like taking revenge for example, angry is like drug, after you've released it, you feel so good! So satisfied! like after released shitz right from your ass.
Even in this one peace country im staying at right now. Recently, some of the Muslim mad about the word Allah will be using by the church in Malaysia. They mad, they started church arson, the Christian were mad too, they started talking *TIT* *TUT* *censored* thingy in the net and with their friends. Is that how the religious ppl will act?
Ppl like to judge this and that based on their own idea and opinion, like the racial stereotype in America about 'Asian Parents vs White parents, which is more strict?' <.<"
Even when i went to the mall before, i ask the seller about this one particular thing's price, and he replied by saying, "why do you ask?? do you have money??"
He looks at me like he don't want me to be there. huhu...i only ask so i can collect some money to buy it later.
There have been lots of ppl are getting too proud at themselves, no time to take care of others, no time to be courtesy. Everyone wanna be the bad guy, good guy is too boring now.
Posted by -Virut- at 2/09/2010 11:16:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Keja Pada Ahad, 31st January
Yesterday, me and my mates went to Stadium Likas for PBSM duty. So here are some pictures that we took yesterday^^One hot morning view at Stadium Likas.
PBSM sedang berehatIni perbarisan PBSM Tobobon, kamurang la pling manang bha
Sy bah ni! sdg pkai topeng utk elakkan diri dari dipanggang lagi, cukup uda sy kena panggang ni >.>
Ini time penyampaian hadiah, nombor kami turun uda p nombor 3...huhu..tp tatap top 3 bah haha
Lpas suma tu, sy sama dua ekur kawan munyit sy p makan di Suria Sabah di KK
(kota kinabalu)
Pastu pegi kawankan kawan sy p tgk pameran schoolarship thingy kat Suria Sabah.
kami trjumpa desperate shopper >.>
pastu, dia pun sruh kami gambar dia >.>"" Nampak owh santut sexay dia LOL!!
eeesshh...sy kena gambar curi >.>?
c gumuk pun champin posing bha! jan kamurang sna!Kota Kinabalu at noon view.
Erna kena langgar keta pun sempat lg b'posing >.>
Menggila kejap smentara tunggu city bus.
Buang masa di centre point lu kjap.
Pastu samapai rumah sy jah, upload tu gambar trus XDSementara tunggu uploading tu siap, posing lu utk mnghilangkan bosan.adeeii! muka tu bah! HAHAHA
P tengok sini lar >.>
Posted by -Virut- at 2/01/2010 09:58:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Life Event