Saturday, November 26, 2011


work place~~~

people just can't ignore it when it comes to catchphrases (more like a slang) until it has becoming a culture in the workplace, well...not just in the workplace but in any types of organization and some part of the society??!! ow hell...

some of the most popular catchphrases(or slang?):------------------------>>>

1. "It's over 5MILLION!!!"

-well since we work in the kitchen, in a hotel's kitchen, everyday there will always someone asking, "how many pax are we going to serve today/tonight?".

then someone who seems tired and stress from working will answer with this, sarcastically.



-popularized by our head chef after having a i-don't-know-what-kind-of-word war with the bouquet manager, he was such a cranky chef with no love from his staffs in the kitchen.

so when someone ask, "how many pax are we going to serve today/tonight?"

you know what happen next......


wow! level up!!



-i don't know what that mean is but i do know that they will always use this word as an affix to someone's name like 'virut-coss' for example, the first time i heard this i felt weird all of a sudden. Have i became a SAUCE??


4. "YES SOSSSS!!!!"

-instead of saying "yes sir", they say this. I know lar this place got so many types of sauce they can make.

actually it was popularized by me since im a too agreeable person in there.



-lol! every kitchen section hates it when someone from other kitchen section stole their plastic wrap. So when someone start shouting this, all the kitchen sections will start hiding their plastic wrap.


there are more to come, stay tune~~

Friday, November 4, 2011

From Idealism to Realism to Cynicism

When i was young, everything seems to be bright and warm, i really like the feeling, such beautiful imagination, well kids do good at imagine things. Those warm-hearted treatments i got when i was a kid made me thought that the world was such a wonderful place to ever live, hoping that it won't change, even the cartoon for kids taught me that.

As i'm growing up i faced betrayal, man's ignorance, hypocrisy, violence, and injustice. I started to think that all i've been taught and told to believe was all just a façade to hide the real and dark world, as if i was half asleep all this time, never try to understand the real thing that is happening in our world.

I started to realize some things, as a human i understand that we all have our own free will of what we wanna be and going to be, pride and ego play most of the parts, there will be no one that has no EGO, everyone wants to be recognized, hate being let down, and always wanna go up and up, and there you have it, selfishness is then created and all the other sins just because of man's pride. Such a wonderful cynical life.

Lastly, try to look at yourself in the mirror.